This is a snapshot from the trailer that wasn't.
The Austin Film Festival conducts a competition for the best one minute trailer promoting the AFF. The winning entry is shown before the films during the festival. Entry guidelines say just about anything goes: funny, serious, animated, homage, spoof, whatever. So, last year, when I read that Harold Ramis would be accepting an award at AFF for a lifetime of achievement in screenwriting, I decided to exploit, er -- animate Harold.
It was brilliant, I tell you! My trailer showed Harold Ramis all packed, pacing the floor and anxiously watching the clock in anticipation of the Austin Film Festival. I recorded the voiceover as his wife complaining to her friend that Harold had been mooning over his future award for weeks. Clever, no? NO! It was not!
Sparing you the ghoulish details, let's just say my trailer culminates with Harold Ramis doing somersaults and Gary Brolsma's Numa Numa dance.
No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was.
Thankfully, sometimes that yellow stripe down your back is really a caution sign. I didn't enter. Remember my little voice of self doubt? That one I named Sal? Well, Sal said that Numa Numa would run out of funny by October and even if it didn't, my depiction of Harold Ramis would be more insulting than amusing.
Meanwhile, I have another idea for this year and am about halfway through development of yet another mind numbing trailer. Once it's done, I'll sit on it for a couple of months before entering it just in case better judgment prevails.
is that why they keep gold fishes and gorilla separate at the zoo?
Most likely. I won't sleep in the same room with my fish. He's planning something. I just know it.
I want to see the full Ramis trailer!
You rubberneck at car wrecks, don'tcha?
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