Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Warming Up To Reality

In the past, my only reality show addiction has been American Idol. Oh, shut up! I'm a singer! But I don't watch much television and reality shows just don't do much for me. I've never even seen a single episode of Survivor. Never. Really.

Then there was Emmitt.

Who'd have thought I'd ever watch Dancing With the Stars? But Emmitt is utterly charming. Even Jerry Springer has some charisma when he's not surrounded by trailer trash.

You'd think thirty minutes of Meerkat Manor would be enough but I am quite distraught over Mozart's banishment. Come on, Flower! She's a kid! And, yeah, Bill Nighy's narrations humanize the little buggers but just where is our brave hero, Shakespeare? Did anyone even look for Tosca? Where for art thou, ya little monkey-looking herpestids?


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I thought I was the only one in America who
a) didn't watch Survivor
b) prefers the Discovery channel show Survivorman
c) knows the names of the meerkats, and worried about the babies during that move.

Of course Jerry has some charisma - he was a politician before he became the King of All That is Wrong with the USA.

Jonathan Bloom said...

Bill Nighys voice could bring charm and humanity to even very small rock pebbles.